Capacity-building opportunities for employees of commercial and public sector organizations

Journal articles, Personnel technologies

Recommended link to article:
Alekhina O.E., Gaponenko A.L., Capacity-building opportunities for employees of commercial and public sector organizations // Public Administration,
2023, №2 (142)
, с. 88-94.

Oksana E. Alekhinaа
Alexander L. Gaponenkoа

аPresidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2023-25-2-88-94

The article highlights the current issues for commercial and public sector organizations in assessing and discovering employees’ potential. The authors propose an expanded view of employee’s potential by shifting the focus to the fact that a staff member can learn quickly and effectively, renewing their knowledge and competencies as well as revealing abilities unused in current occupations for different reasons. The article discusses new possibilities for developing the employee’s potential by increasing their behavioral and social flexibility and raising their general level of awareness, education, and culture. Among the methods proposed, the development of mental models and the use of eurythmy practices are of particular interest. The authors recommend specific trainings in companies and organizations to transform the Fixed mindset into a Growth mindset, as well as dedicated classes that use the business eurythmy practice. The study reveals approaches and instruments promoting the development of employee potential, as well as examples from the experience of Russian and international organizations.

employee capacity assessment, mental models, employee capacity development, social and spiritual capacity development tools, employee capacity development practices

April 2, 2023

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