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Olga A. Zolotarevaа,b
Ekaterina S. Dardab
аResearch Institute for Problems of Socio-Economic Statistics of the Federal State Statistics Service
bMIREA – Russian Technological University
Sergey M. Okladnikovc
cFederal State Statistics Service – Rosstat
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2023-25-1-21-30
Using methods of analysis, generalization, and synthesis of existing scientific and practical approaches as well as methods of analytical activity in management, the authors identified analytical tasks with statistical components. Factual and structural-functional analysis, the systematic approach to identifying analytics specificity as a science and practical activity, allowed us to characterize the conceptual directions of convergence of statistics and analytics in more detail, thereby determining the scientific novelty of the study. In the context of existing problems for the development of statistics and analytics in Russia, the authors analyzed the main factors of low efficiency of analytical activities. The authors discussed the possibility of improving the quality of analytical activities, considering: (1) the emerging benefits of developing national statistics on a new technological basis, in particular, creating and implementing the state information system “Digital analytical platform for statistical data”; (2) the creation of a new model of statistical education, aimed at ensuring the quality of training highly qualified professionals with competencies in the interdisciplinary field of statistics and Data Science that meets modern requirements.
national security, public administration, analytical activities, statistical methods, the convergence of statistics and analytics
September 30, 2022
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