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Georgy G. Lunevа
аRussian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2023-25-1-55-63
The article describes the results of the analysis of the organization, structure and technical and environmental features of the cycle of processing of secondary construction resources (SCR). The content and structure of the stages of the cycle is determined by the specificity of the formation of SCR and the possibility of their further use. Based on the analysis of the preliminary results of the initial stage of renovation the main problems of secondary construction resources recycling are identified. The author proceeds from the main basic message that the organization of recycling of secondary construction resources should not begin at the moment the waste leaves the sphere of material and technical production, but during the period of adoption and approval of the investment project to create a new facility or a certain type of construction product. The factors that justify the ecological and economic efficiency of investment in the industry for recycling of secondary construction resources at the present time are considered. The structure and content of individual stages of this process at all stages of the investment project are determined. It is established that the main stages determining the overall ecological and economic efficiency of recycling are construction and dismantling works, the process of processing and storage of non-recyclable waste. The approach to the assessment of complex ecological and economic efficiency of recycling of secondary construction resources is proposed, which is based on the current trends in the functioning of natural and socio-economic systems and recycling of man-made waste in the field of material and technical production.
secondary material resources (SMR), secondary construction resources (SCR), investment project, renovation, waste recycling, resource conservation, economic and environmental efficiency, environmental safety
July 31, 2019
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