Political technologies and propaganda in the context of global revolutionary transformations

Journal articles, Society

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Koshmarov M.Yu., Manoilo A.V., Trubetskoy A.Yu., Political technologies and propaganda in the context of global revolutionary transformations // Public Administration,
2023, №1 (141)
, с. 76-85.

Mikhail Yu. Koshmarovа
Alexei Yu. Trubetskoya

аFoundation «Russian Public and Political Center»

Andrei V. Manoilob,c

bInstitute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

cM.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2023-25-1-76-85

This article examines the political technologies used in the revolutionary transformations of the Modern Age and recent decades. The object of study is modern society. The subject of study is social transformation in recent decades. The study involves the use of historical, comparative, and analytical methods. The purpose of the paper is to identify patterns and predict vectors of globalization. The obtained results allow us to conclude the initiation of the revolutionary phase of society’s transformation. New technology is changing the economy and raising the quality of life, causing the population to grow. In the XX century, the rapid growth of scientific and technological progress, accompanied by significant population growth, led to the need for the most accurate resource estimates and the construction of long-term forecasts. The speed of these changes is so fast that people are hardly prepared to comprehend the changes that have taken place. Humanity has entered the new era without realizing it.

political technologies, digitalization, media consumption, environmental propaganda, global environmental revolution, socio-economic transformation

November 30, 2022

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